Eric Anton Heuser
Narratives of Relatedness and Culture Politics in Postcolonial Indonesia
february 2020, 221 pages, format ebook (pdf)
isbn 978-3-940132-86-4
series Das regionale Fachbuch
also available as print edition
Focusing on friendship practices and perceptions in contemporary Java, this book takes an innovative approach to analysing social structure, relatedness, and patronage in the context of a postcolonial nation in the Global South. Friendships in Java are highly flexible forms of relatedness that are embedded in a particular cultural context and influenced by Javanese cosmology, Islam, and political structure. This mixture has produced notions of sociality that were exploited by Indonesia’s first two presidents in an effort to unite the new and fragmented nation. The book suggests that friendship relations in Java resemble a synthesis of Javanese ideals of good behaviour, the need for social security, attachment, and the influence of national culture politics. They constitute a major form of relatedness that is particular to postcolonial Indonesia