We are a young and dedicated publishing house focusing on issues concerning Asia and Africa. Our publications share a focus on either of these geographical areas, rather than on a single discipline. We are home to a whole spectrum of different publication programs. These range from scientific books (Das regionale Fachbuch), language textbooks (Sprachen im Fokus), a non-fiction section (Das politische Lesebuch) to catalogues of transnational art-exhibitions as well as vivid experiences off the usual tourist tracks (Themen der Welt).

We focus mainly on academic books which are aimed towards an international audience. However, we also present scientific, non-fiction and language textbooks, while remaining close to the field of area studies. We aim to publish high quality books which offer new, interesting and critical topics and aspects from our focal regions, for a diverse audience. With this specific concept and wide range we seek to complement the common, popular and political publishing scenes. 

All of our staff at regiospectra put a lot of effort, individual ideas and passion into their work. Each of us has an area studies background and plenty of expertise in the field of academic work, layout, design, promotion and marketing or from working as translators, curators and editors. These various experiences enable us to provide you with custom-made solutions for your publication. We highly value the relationship with our authors and a careful layout and editing of our publications.

We are glad to offer you a fascinating range of interesting books now and in the future.